Whiskey and Wishes, Inc., a Northern Kentucky based collective giving group, announced they are awarding two $10,000 grants to two different local organizations -- UpSpring and Back the Heroes Rumble.  Both organizations applied for the emergency relief fund in April and were selected by the Whiskey and Wishes committee after sharing their plans and impact of what they would do with the funds if awarded. 

The co-founders of Whiskey and Wishes met with representatives via a virtual call to surprise the organizations with the news of the grant this week. Both organizations will use the funds to directly impact those whose health and economic well-being has been affected by this crisis. UpSpring plans to use the money for their Resource Collaborative, which supplies on-demand resources including food and hygiene products to children experiencing homelessness in the Greater Cincinnati region. Back the Heroes Rumble will use the funds to support their Operation Open Arms program which provides emergency food and hotel stays to military, police, fire, and EMS personnel that are unable to return home during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“While we have plans to distribute grants annually in support of education,  the members of Whiskey and Wishes could not sit idly with the spread of COVID-19. Our committee discussed our wish to make an immediate impact during these uncertain and unprecedented times,” said Billy Volk, Founder, Whiskey and Wishes. “We quickly jumped into action putting together a bourbon raffle that helped raise the nearly $20,000 we were able to award to UpSpring and Back the Heroes. Our hope is to spark kindness during these uncertain times and make an immediate difference in our community.”

Whiskey and Wishes is a collective giving group started in 2019 that couples a love for great whiskey and giving back to create cask-strength kindness throughout the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati community. To learn more about Whiskey and Wishes, visit www.whiskeyandwishes.com


About Whiskey and Wishes, Inc. 

Founded in 2019, Whiskey and Wishes couples a love for great whiskey and giving back to create “cask-strength kindness” throughout the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati region. Through a collective giving model, Whiskey and Wishes leverages the resources of individuals to make transformative grants, benefiting non-profit organizations in our community. For more information, visit www.whiskeyandwishes.com 

About UpSpring 

UpSpring's mission is to empower children experiencing homelessness in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky by providing opportunities through education and enrichment. For over 22 years, UpSpring has provided local children the consistency needed to achieve academic success, giving them the tools to lift themselves of the cycle of poverty and homelessness. Learn more at www.upspring.org

About Back the Heroes Rumble

Back the Heroes Rumble honors law enforcement officers, fire fighters and the military community and the families they have left behind. We create a network for the families of the fallen to meet and support one another during these toughest of times along with our partnered non-profits of our communities. We HONOR those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice. We SERVE those who bear the burden of losing a loved one. We SACRIFICE our time and effort to do what we must to show support and show solidarity to our heroes and their loved ones. For more information, visit www.backtheheroesrumble.com