Whiskey and Wishes, Inc., a Northern Kentucky based collective giving group, announced the recipient for their first annual grant. Covington Partners was selected from a total of 8 local non-profit organizations who applied for the annual grant and will receive the donation totaling $30,000.
The grant was awarded to Covington Partners after a review process that consisted of the Whiskey and Wishes committee reviewing the submitted applications, hosting virtual site visits to learn more about each of the organizations, then ultimately a vote by each committee member.
“We had several impressive organizations submit grant applications this year - each organization contributing to our community in a unique and impactful way. Thank you to the organizations who applied and for the work they do each and every day,” said Billy Volk, Founder of Whiskey and Wishes. “On behalf of our membership, I want to congratulate Covington Partners on benign selected as our first annual grant recipient. We are very grateful for the opportunity to support their mission of eliminating boundaries to learning and success and creating safe, engaging environments for students and their families to learn and grow. We look forward to continuing to support organizations in our community through our collective giving grants year after year.”
Covington Partners will use this donation to work directly with 200 at-risk students with high academic needs at both Sixth District and John G. Carlisle Elementary to provide wrap-around support services to students and families through Community Learning Centers. Community Learning Centers provide Out of School Time programming, Mentoring, Family Engagement, Drug and Violence Prevention, and Health and Wellness. This coordinated approach allows them to meet the specific needs of their individual students and families and has proven to be effective for our most vulnerable populations.
“Our students face many socioeconomic barriers that impact their academic achievement compounded with the typical and real challenges of growing up in today’s world. Despite the challenges that many of our students face, we see each individual as AT-PROMISE,” said Stacie Strotman, Executive Director of Covington Partners, “Together, with our partners and funders, like Whiskey and Wishes, we can help our students reach their full potential and this grant will help us to further our mission.”
Whiskey and Wishes is a collective giving group, donating 100% of membership dollars to award impactful grants to local nonprofits. By coupling a love for great whiskey and giving back, Whiskey and Wishes creates cask-strength kindness throughout the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati community. To learn more about Whiskey and Wishes, visit www.whiskeyandwishes.com.
About Covington Partners
Founded in 1999 to reduce drug abuse and violence among Covington youth, Covington Partners has since expanded offerings to include a variety of mentoring, family strengthening, and physical/mental health programs. Covington Partners provides wrap-around support services to Covington Independent Public School students in every stage of their educational journey, working every day to keep our community moving forward by eliminating boundaries to learning and success. Through a Community Learning Center method, Covington Partners works to bring together key community stakeholders, including students, families, partner organizations, funders, staff, board members, mentors and volunteers to all work towards the goal of helping the youth of Covington reach their full potential in school and in life. For more information, visit http://www.mycovingtonpartners.org.